News in Spintronics is a bimonthly selection of some of the most relevant advances in the spintronics field globally. Our goal is to give emphasis to the research and progress that is made both in academic and industrial institutions in the various themes of the spintronic “family”. This project is done in partnership with the European Magnetism Association (EMA).
The selection of the News is done in two parts:
- A list of 10-15 relevant recent spintronic articles and news releases is gathered, from different sources, such as Applied Physics Letters, Nature News & Releases, AAAS, EurekAlert!, IEEE Spectrum,…
- The STF Scientific Committee then selects the ones they consider to be the most relevant for SpinTronic Factory to share.
Scientific Committee Members
Giovanni Finocchio (UNIME)
Kevin Garello (SPINTEC)
Markus Müzenberg (EMAUG)
Pietro Gambardella (ETHZ)
Peter Oppeneer (UU)
Vladimir Cambel (IEE SAS)
Chair of Scientific Committee
Maxime Ardisson (IMT Atlantique)
Paolo Bortolotti (THALES-TRT)
Thomas Thomson (MANCH)